Staten Island, NY
Marko Kepi, Assembly candidate for Staten Island's East Shore and Bay
Ridge, Brooklyn, cited 1/21/2020 Sienna College poll as further proof that New Yorker's oppose
the new bail reform law that has allowed dangerous criminals to stay on the street while
awaiting trial.
"Good elected officials know to trust in the wisdom of the electorate," said 64th District
Assembly candidate Marko Kepi, "I am in 100% agreement with the voters of New York. This
new Sienna College poll shows that New Yorker's overwhelmingly oppose the dangerous bail
reform measures pushed through the legislature by liberal Democrats last year by a margin of
49% to 37%! In their zeal to play up to the most liberal voters in their party, Democrats have
opened a Pandora's box that will take New York back to the 1970s."
"Only yesterday, as reported in The New York Times, a man that was accused of robbing four
different banks in New York City was released under bail law. Since when is a bank robber a
non-violent offender?" Kepi remarked, "While full of good intention, this law is a hazard to New
Yorker's because it is based upon the beliefs of left-wing ideologues, and not on common sense
and the experience of our men and women in law enforcement. When I am elected to the
Assembly, I pledge today that the first piece of legislation I introduce in Albany will be to reverse this dangerous bail reform law!"